best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine


February 27, 2014 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments


In one of our groups, we chose that theme for the week.

It became a practice, daily.



The intention was to focus on the greatness in you and something you did that mattered to you, even if uncomfortable. Each evening I asked them to write down a positive view of themselves and then something they were going to do the next day or during the week.  Life happens. Schedules change.

Here’s a short list of happy I DID IT stories:

  1. Up at 5:30, out the door for a hill walk, not the flats
  2. A letter to a friend telling her how she inspires me
  3. A call to a company to pitch an idea she wanted to present
  4. Reading to kids at the local library
  5. Taking a yoga class even if she couldn’t keep up with the others in the class
  6. Getting an assistant three times a week
  7. Planning a solo road trip to see the whales
  8. Telling her partner what challenges her with him and asking for his help
  9. Meditating three times a week.
  10. Taking flying lessons
  11. Going out for coffee on a date (she asked him out)
  12. Taking biking lessons
  13. Making art
  14. Inviting four friends over for brunch
  15. Getting back into her acting classes

Everyone felt so great. What would you say that you felt good about within yourself and what are you wanting to do and then be able to say, I DID IT?

Have fun discovering new parts of yourself and share it, Natalie

Natalie Caine M.A.

Life In Transition, What’s Next?

(800) 446-3310 or (310) 454-0040 Los Angeles

Featured in Time Magazine, USA Today, Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, MariaShriver .com, Better Homes and Gardens, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Lifetime Radio for Women, Chicago Tribune, Sirius, Associated Press, Miami Herald, and many more.

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Natalie Caine, M.A.