best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine

The details that aren’t fun

March 20, 2004 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments

By Natalie Caine |

Booking the round trip tickets have gotten to be guess work, because we don’t
always know her finals and plans …. lately we are thinking, just book one
way, now that we are facing this question again about spring break.

She is bringing her roommate home for the first time and it will be fun, as
well as, more interaction…. sometimes , what I consistently notice is that
I don’t have to interact because she isn’t here and I like the no interruptions,
where I am doing my work and life and don’t need to stop for hers..IT REALLY

She and her friends are on different schedules for spring break and this will
be a first for that…. I hope some of them stop by even if my daughter isn’t
here, just for a quick hug and short chat… It is fun to see them, hear their
stories and notice their changes… I really noticed the changes in all of them
when they came home for Thanksgiving…THEY WEREN”T AS NEEDY and troubled
by the dramas of friends and school life… They seemed more mature and confident…
very exciting to see…. such great kids.

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Natalie Caine, M.A.