Covid-19 has taught many that people who are good are still GOOD even if sheltered at home. Surprise is, some who weren’t “generous with LISTENING and DOING,” now are, because they are able to make better choices. We were wondering if they have made better choices because they don’t have the PRESSURE of hopping on a plane for the conference event, or long hours at the office that also included depleting driving.
Our Zoom support group, talking about TRANSITIONS, shared some of their thoughts and feelings:
1. My husband sees what I deal with now that he is home. I feel more APPRECIATED.
2. I live SOLO and more people are reaching out to me.
3. Wow, my KIDS actually are whining less when I ask them to set the table.
4. My PARENTS got that my partner and I, even though home together, want the boundary held of not calling every day. Exceptions will happen and that is ok.
5. Work at home has helped me FOCUS better.
6. I am good to myself while being home simply by DRINKING more water.
7. Oh the kindness of the DELIVERY people. Thank you
8. All thought facing DEATH and having people they know suddenly die, has opened hearts to love, LOVE, and love as a priority of living.
9. All realized they were PUSHING themselves way too hard before shelter in place.
10. All said they “lose it often” and are also able to APOLOGIZE sooner.
11. All have felt sad, angry, terrified, melancholy, lonely, STUCK, lost. GRIEVING for what they had is NATURAL. TRIGGERED by past losses is NATURAL.
12. All realized they have too many USELESS things and packed them up for donation when the doors open. Simplify buying.
13. All want to stick to a DAILY practice of quiet time, non-verbal.
14.All are GRATEFUL for taking walks.
15. ALL HOPE TO DISCOVER A NEW MEANING OF LIFE FOR THEMSELVES due to this terrifying virus. Some have and others are on the journey.
16. Some have been more creative, like piano, drawing, POETRY, a sheltered outside area like a patio, and woodworking.
17. They feel stupid when it comes to helping their KIDS with their homework. They don’t like the battle of getting their kids to do school ONLINE. They want the teachers back. Amen.
Oh, the sharing continued with DEEP BRAVERY when they talked about NOT BEING in love, feeling that all they had built for a GOOD LIFE, didn’t mattered now, and they had zero SPIRITUAL practices in their routine.
All of us have “get and go days” at home and other days where binge tv is all that can happen and times of “let’s each just figure out what you can do because I have no good ideas for you, FAMILY, even though I am the parent. Yes, I will still keep you fed. “
Transitions bring forward parts of us that are UNFAMILIAR. My hope is you are extra GENTLE with yourself and stop the CRITIC from believing him/her, as the only part of you, or even what is said to you in your spinning head is true. You can’t get rid of the critic, but you can walk away.
Take extra good care,
Natalie Caine, M.A.
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