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natalie today show

with Natalie caine

Do You Have Zoom Fatigue?

May 15, 2020 | by lheidel | No Comments


Natalie spoke with AARP about video calls, why they may be draining, and how you can cope.

Life coach and counselor Natalie Caine says that another way to keep calls enjoyable is to appoint a conversation leader in advance (someone who will, for example, ask everyone how they’re doing), and then structure the call on a certain topic, like sharing family recipes, rather than relying on small talk. (Similarly, Wright recommends using videoconferencing time to do a shared activity — like watch a movie, play a game, or cook — together.)

“It’s so much more meaningful and connected,” Caine says, “which is what people are longing for in isolation.”

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Natalie Caine, M.A.