best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine

We Always Have Beauty

September 18, 2020 | by Natalie Caine | One Comment

Happy Fall, L’shana Tova, (May it be a good year ahead)

These chrysalis were given to us as a gift.  They have been growing in the living room by the window. We chat with them daily, and this morning they emerged. So thankful we weren’t ASLEEP when they arrived.

Hope. Beauty. Transformation. New Life.   WELCOME. 

We just set them on their journey outside. In that moment of FLIGHT, another butterfly arrived almost as if to say, “Come Along. I have been waiting for you.” 


One Response

  1. Zaida says:

    My husband and I just began empty nesters.

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Natalie Caine, M.A.