best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine

Empty Nest Is Around the Corner, Now What?

May 8, 2021 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments

Parents have been calling about their children leaving in August, September or already on their way to college.  Yes, they knew this day would arrive. They are proud. They are also unexpectedly crying and feeling alone with a well of emotions.

I remember the to-do list before dropping my child at college.  The parties to celebrate and say goodbye as she was going 3,000 miles from home and knew not one person.  She made a choice for herself that fortunately worked out fantastic.  It was not of course during Covid.

One thing I pass to you in this moment is that you are going through a grieving for what you didn’t have time to make happen, or missed out on for whatever reason, or just wanted more time with them in the role you have had, not the new role.

You prepared them well enough for this major life transition.  Now time to prepare and focus on you once they are dropped off and you are back home.  You choose the timing to plan for you and explore who you are now. You for sure, are not alone on this road.

Your generosity, even if not mentioned, is one you know you gave and will continue to give, maybe in new ways.

Take very good care,


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Natalie Caine, M.A.