best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine

Going to Playgroup

January 15, 2022 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments

When I was a younger mama, I started a play group in my home for our little ones. We then began a circle of mommy friendships and our little ones began theirs. 

Today my daughter invites me to go to the park for music or sensory class.  They are Covid babies and rarely see little ones like themselves. This special playgroup shows on all the mommy and babies faces, sometimes staring at other faces between singing, instruments, sand, and paint. 

The hunger for being with others gets filled for that short outside time together, especially for the mamas.

Now my daughter is starting a mommy group. They are in a cycle of only meeting outside due to Covid or meeting on Zoom. 

Do you grandparents go to any classes with your grand babies? What classes were fun for you to take your kids too when they were little ones?

Take care, Natalie

#grandparenting #parenting #adultchildren #life transitions #babies #familydynamics

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Natalie Caine, M.A.