best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine

Grandparenting:  Embrace the Wonder Of Grandparenting And Navigate The Challenges

September 22, 2022 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments

Grandparents, join Natalie in learning the art of communicating with your adult children who are now parents. Your role as the grandparent is to follow their lead. What happens if you really have something to say and fear their reaction?  What is worth the risk to communicate even if you don’t get what you want? 

Join us as a support and learning on how to continually build an honest, respectful, relationship with your kids and theirs.

I am so excited to invite you to these online times together. We need each other in this role of grandparenting. Your role is not as easy as you thought it would be around communication, being included, honored, and valued for your life experience. Some of you are having easy communication and honoring experiences and want to learn more about your role and this stage of your life.  

Visit my website for dates online and to register. Meet other grandparents. Grandparents have asked Natalie how to live this stage of their life that is not only being a grandparent. Join us to have a safe community.

October 18, Zoom, 4:00-5:30 Pacific Time, hosted by Pump Station Santa Monica.

November 2, Zoom, 3:00-5:00 Pacific Time, hosted by Omega Institute.

Natalie was featured on THE TODAY SHOW with AL ROKER recently and was reminded again the feeling of belonging when you are in an inclusive support group.

Email:  for more information

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Natalie Caine, M.A.