best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine

Empty Nest Expectations

February 18, 2022 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments

Transitions keep happening from easy communication with your adult kids to challenging talks. Maybe you were with them for an on campus visit or they came home, and you thought it would be fun. 

Well, I often get calls that yes moments were fun, but you wanted more time together and didn’t get it. It happens.  They are used to being on their own. You are used to being mom and dad who can’t wait to help and have time together.

A check in with yourself before a visit asking yourself,” What are my expectations for this time together?  Are they real or fantasy?  How will I handle the disappointment and how might I prevent that?

How well are you doing these days with letting it go in the moment and why well and why challenging?  Keep getting to know yourself. It is fun. I often make a backup plan in case my wants aren’t coming my way.

Take good care,


#grandparenting #parenting #adultchildren #lifetransitions #babies #familydynamics

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Natalie Caine, M.A.