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with Natalie caine

Tips For Finding Meaning in Retirement

December 9, 2014 | by lheidel | No Comments


As one of the Wall Street Journal Experts, Natalie’s blog was originally published at

When you are seeking new meaning and how to spend your time when you retire, it is normal to feel off balance, which can show itself in irritability, fatigue or negativity. Fear rises about longevity, being needed, what didn’t come together by now, and what’s it all about? For others, happiness lands right in their entryway, even though they don’t know what’s next. They simply feel freed to explore and not have a structured week.

Retirement is a time to assess and reflect, take a view from above and dive deep into what matters now? What went dormant that wants to surface? Who has been waiting for you to have free time?

Here are a few tips:

  • Your no’s lead you to your yeses.
  • You get to change your mind.
  • What did you like to do after school?
  • What do you like to research on the computer?
  • Who are you jealous of? I remember one man shared, “my friend who owns a book store.” He decided to start a lending library.
  • Have fun learning more about who you are and who you are not. Then gather the resources you need to move forward on an idea. (Classes in computer skills so you can build a website)
  • What compliments have people given you over the years? “You are good at entertaining. You know just what to say to comfort me. You could teach that to others.”
  • What would you like someone to do for you?
  • Who do you like to spend time with and why?
  • Make friends with the unknown. If you are used to being productive, making quick decisions, have a chat with the part of you that is OK with not knowing anything or doing much, yet.
  • What is something you have always wanted to learn (foreign language, surfing, meditation, cooking healthy, winemaking, mountain biking, ping pong)
  • Practice not comparing yourself to others.
  • You have never been at this cycle of life. Be gentle with you.
  • Don’t buy into the ideas that you are too old or don’t have the skills for something.

Choose fun. The blinder is unrealistic expectations, as well as that inner critic who never takes a vacation and stops you from hearing your inner courageous voice. Put on some music and write, “It would be fun to…”

Natalie Caine (@NatalieCaine) is the owner of Empty Nest Support Services and Life in Transition.

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Natalie Caine, M.A.