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with Natalie caine

This Time of Year

December 23, 2014 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments

Mountain_Rainbow2More than not, you focus on what needs fixed or what you need to do in the next year.  Add what you are good at that you want to remember to appreciate in 2015.

Sit right where you are. Close your eyes. With awareness of your breathing, in and out, five times, next say out loud, “I have the gift of…… ”

Here is a short list of I HAVE THE GIFT OF that I asked my clients, friends, etc. to say out loud.

1. Cooking creatively.Rocks_P1150261
2. Helping others sort their priorities.
3. Getting over hurt feelings.
4. Loving deeply.
5. Living my values.
6. Doing my spiritual practices.
7. Making people laugh.
8. Writing.
9. Inspiring others to begin again. Abalone_Shells_9064
10. Knowing the law and your rights.
11. Listening and feeding back.
12. Balance.
13. Saying what I need to say in my own words.
14. Full range of feelings.
15. Knowing when I am wrong and saying it.
16. Believing in love.
17. Wonderment.
18. Starting over.
19. Weeping loudly.
20. Creative ideas.Tree_Sunset_9474
21. Caring.
22. Teaching.
23. Enjoying solo time.
24. Loving beauty and having it lift me.
25. Waiting.
27. Kindness.
28. Building things.Reef_9051
29. Asking for help.
30. Not finishing what isn’t working for me.
31. Stopping the behaviors that aren’t helpful anymore.
32. Leaving without the critic hammering me.
33. Singing.
34. Painting.
35. Remembering the bigger picture.Cityscape_9285
36. Surprising people in happy ways..
37. Adding fun.
38. Letting work go and being with my family when I get home.
39. Editing.
40. Not needing approval anymore.

I am sure you can add to this list. Maybe during this holiday season, you can have people share their gifts out loud.

I so appreciate you allowing me to share my thoughts throughout the year and that you take the time to connect with me.  You teach me. You inspire me. You allow me to reflect.

Mountain_Sunrise_P1160089May you find what matters to you and share it with others.  May you be loved and loving. May you make time to be just with you and enjoy you.

Take care,


Natalie Caine M.A.

Life In Transition, What’s Next?Iceberg_P1160166
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Natalie Caine, M.A.