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with Natalie caine

New View

December 29, 2014 | by Natalie Caine | One Comment

Magical_Ocean_9501For me, happiness is effortless when I walk one of my favorite nature spots. I feel like a kid as I drive there, wondering what I will hear and see today.   It never looks the same and yet I have expectations of what might be.


Today, I got an unexpected view…two dolphins swimming side by side, not in unison, and still together.

PS It is my marriage anniversary, so I was happy to see two together playing in the water.  One was jumping out of the water by a woman on her paddle board, twice, as if to be playing and entertaining her. I have not seen that before and I have been coming to this same beach for over a decade. Lucky me!

Ocean_SolitudeWhat is effortless for you that makes you so happy?

What unexpected “GIFT” in 2015 would thrill you?

Where is a place you go to in your imagination, or in person, that lifts your spirits?

What new skill do you want to step forward into exploring in 2015?

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Who do you want to spend more time with?  Who less time with?

What chatter in your head do you want to turn down the volume to?

NEW VIEW….what perception about yourself, or someone dear to you, do you want to see in a different way? What will it take for you to begin that shift?

May this NEW YEAR bring you reminders of possibilities, of acceptances, and to embrace that LIFE IS A MYSTERY and thank goodness you are HERE.

Take care,
Natalie Caine M.A.

Life In Transition, What’s Next?
Empty Nest Support Services
(800) 446-3310 or (310) 454-0040
Los Angeles

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One Response

  1. So beautifully expressed and written. I hope to keep living an in the moment as much as possible, adventure filled life…by traveling nomadically and connecting with cultures and people in places we live.

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Natalie Caine, M.A.