best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine

Leaving the nest… So what’s that about?

February 25, 2004 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments

By Natalie Caine |

I’ve been thinking about her going off to college for years… I thought if
I think about it , it would better prepare me… like prevention from pain…
I doubt if that will work… I wish for her to discover more of what she likes
and dislikes.

To develop inner resources of when to say yes and when to say no
To take safe risks
To of course have fun and develop creativity
To make relationships that add to her and to others
To give, to be helpful
To trust her choices and feelings
To be gentle with herself when she makes mistakes or feels irresponsible
To be forgiving of herself and then others in time
To ask for help
To be silly
To laugh
To play outside
To rest
To get into nature for spiritual renewal
To pray
To be grateful for each day
To take her time
To eat well and sleep with regular hours
To do art
To write for fun and release
To sing in the shower
To take responsibility with gentle words and action
To be open
To allow life rather than the need to push life.
To notice
To develop being in the moment
To take breaks and go outside… move around
To have a list of what’s fun for her and act on it
To have a list of how to rejuvenate and act on it
To surprise someone
To play
To visit the question… what is the meaning of her life
TO visit the question… what is love
To visit the question what are her beliefs
To check… is she in or off balance today
To ask… what does she need today
To ask … what do they need today
To dance and twirl
To develop compassion and generosity
To read for fun
To take photos
To meditate
To nap
To discover what is fun for her
To discover different types of love
To change
To ……..

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Natalie Caine, M.A.