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with Natalie caine

What it Takes to Make it Through the Day

March 7, 2020 | by Natalie Caine | No Comments

When you feel lonely or disappointed a day and night feels like a city freeway, too fast and unpredictable to drive.

In our women’s group, each shares their uncertainty, their needs, and the hope of a better feeling day. They share their GOOD ENOUGH and their joyous feelings that arrived.   Each shares a dream, a NIGHT DREAM they remembered. We are in the moment and support for each other.

When the day is empty here are some things that may help.  Begin your day looking out the WINDOW and noticing what you didn’t notice yesterday.  Welcome the day in whatever words come to you. “I see your beauty and I pray for the world to come TOGETHER as friends, even for an hour. I ask you to help COMFORT me from this unpredictable dark day.”

When the day is empty, discover your RHYTHM for that day.  Maybe you know it is a good idea to get outside right away and maybe you know today you need the blanket for one more hour.  Each day is different so routines may not always work for you. Ask yourself, “what do I need right now?” Keep asking yourself that question through the day and night.  CHECK in with YOU.”

When the day is empty, send a love email, “thinking of you today and REMEMBERING that fun walk on the beach.”  A shift of giving may help in that moment.

When the day is empty, BELIEVE in yourself, which means, some days just have no impulse to do, some days you aren’t at your best, some days are better than others and always you are GENTLE with yourself.

Life, as you have heard, is complex. You may be the person who today just can’t do much but MUDDLE through when most of your life you have been the cheerleader. You may be the person who today can push past what holds you in a flat way and round up to do something LITTLE for a lift.  These are what some shared that they do: make collages, cook, turn up the music, write, call a friend, look for something online to participate in which would be something to look forward to doing, binge watch tv series, stretch and conscious breathing for ten minutes, ask for help, go to the park and watch the kids and dogs, do something outside and then reward yourself with a latte. 

We NEED each other.  We need to have the uncomfortable conversations with ourselves and to let it be when the energy is not available for insights, lifting, doing, and trust a shift will arrive.  You can trust because you know you have, as have others, had days where nothing seemed to matter much. You are worn down, or as a woman in the group says, “in a bad mood, irritable”.

Maybe you want to get to know this part of you that is visiting you and make friends with it rather than push it away or judge it. “Hello you, I am not comfortable with you and the way you make me feel. Is there something you want to share with me about you right now?”  This is a dialogue and yes feels odd. This is a practice to get to know parts of you that you haven’t had the time or way to meet. No one is watching so start the chat and be open to what you receive.

When the day is empty remind yourself what you have GIVEN and what you have overcome.  You are loved.

Take good care,


“Give a compliment to a stranger, or someone you know, and to yourself.” 

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Natalie Caine, M.A.