best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine

How to Deal with Empty Nest Loneliness

October 17, 2016 | by Natalie Caine | One Comment


Natalie was recently interviewed for an article on Next Avenue. You can read the entire article here.

Below is an excerpt:

But Natalie Caine, an expert in empty nesting and other life transitions, tells me this phase is more complex than simply missing the family dynamic. Like the children who have just exited, we adults are entering a new developmental phase that hits everyone a bit differently, and it’s important to make space for vulnerability. No “shoulds” here.

Caine says when our kids leave, new emotions and thoughts emerge that catch us unaware. The most obvious is the wake-up call that you don’t have forever anymore. While our kids are adjusting to new beginnings, we are at the front end of the long letting go.

One Response

  1. cheryl says:

    For the first time in my life I’m feeling lonely. My children are 7 years apart. So when my oldest went to college, there was an adjustment, Missing him, called him often, visited once a month, he was only an hour away. That was the first 2 years. The third year my younger child became very ill. I noticed that my son called more often to check on his sister and came home several times over the next 2 years. Thankfully my daughter is doing well and we were excited that she got into the college of her dreams. Before she left, my son moved back home. So once again we still had a child/adult at home. I flew twice to visit my daughter. My son worked but was home most nights, away most weekends. He was saving to pay for his upcoming wedding. So this fall, my daughter returned to college, out of state and my son got married 3 weeks age and also moved out of state. Now I feel that empty nest, ugh, not fun. I’m not sure my husband gets it, I ‘m not the person that is sad or weepy, but lately, ugh, I feel that way. I’m trying to keep busy with work and doing odds and ends that I’ve been putting off, so i guess I’m surprised I feel this way 🙁 . Ant suggestions or comments are appreciated. Thanks

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Natalie Caine, M.A.