best transition ever: grandparenting
natalie today show

with Natalie caine


Her birthday passed and to be honest it was a little sad

By Natalie Caine | Well, her birthday passed and to be honest it was a little sad. No decorations at home, no favorite dinner for her, no being together to make wishes and watch her open her presents as her friends gathered at the house. The good news is, she has wonderful new friends, who
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College orientation and good bye from college

By Natalie Caine | It seems the kids biggest issue being freshmen in college, is….. will I have good friends….their social life. How will I know who’s a jerk and who’s for real? One student said, I almost feel disloyal to my old friends if I make deep new connections, but I know that is
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Sometimes you just feel an underlying sadness

By Natalie Caine | Sometimes you just feel an underlying sadness. It is not predictable. It just shows up as a time to cry a little , to remember. When I see parents with young children, it seems the same phrase keeps coming into my head , OH THEY have such a long way to
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Empty Nester, you are on your way

By Natalie Caine | Make dates with your spouse Get new music and new foods for home Change some of the furniture, but not your child’s room Sit outside Take a walk and hold hands, maybe even skip along Not being a full time parent can be so freeing, so start your couple dream list.
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The details that aren’t fun

By Natalie Caine | Booking the round trip tickets have gotten to be guess work, because we don’t always know her finals and plans …. lately we are thinking, just book one way, now that we are facing this question again about spring break. She is bringing her roommate home for the first time and
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Valentine’s Day from college

By Natalie Caine | SO I GATHERED GOODIES OF CHOCOLATES , CUT OUT HEARTS, THOSE FAKE WAX LIPS FOR HER AND HER ROOMMATE, CHAP STICK, AND A NEW SPLUGE… Since she has been freezing on the east coast.. I sent her a sun dress saying the warmth will come and you have this dress to
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Senior year I started an empty nest group at my house…

By Natalie Caine | Once every two months with five other moms of daughters.. We did pot luck sat and ate and talked and cried and laughed… It is a support for the transition and new beginnings all of us could be living…we used email to also keep in touch because the year was soooooo
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Natalie Caine, M.A.