This is the time to be slow, Lie low to the wall Until the bitter weather passes. Try, as best you can, not to let The wire brush of doubt Scrape from your heart All sense of yourself And your hesitant light. If you remain generous, Time will come good; And you will find your
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When you feel lonely or disappointed a day and night feels like a city freeway, too fast and unpredictable to drive. In our women’s group, each shares their uncertainty, their needs, and the hope of a better feeling day. They share their GOOD ENOUGH and their joyous feelings that arrived. Each shares a dream, a
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A woman called today sharing how the words DISASTER RELIEF (Tennessee Tornado) unexpectedly dropped her into tears about her wanting relief from her disasters. She was SHOCKED this emerged in her thoughts. Weeping she said, “I don’t like when feelings immobilize me, and I am heading out the door. Well, I don’t like them anytime.”
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More than a decade ago, Natalie Caine went to a meeting at her daughter’s high school. The headmaster wanted parents to think about the fact that they “were all about to become empty nesters,” Caine said. That reality knocked her back on her heels. “I turned around to my friends and said, ‘If I start
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During a transition, meaning you are no longer where you use to be and you don’t know where you are headed, a bud of an idea to lift your spirits is worth watering. A woman shared with me that she knows it will take time to decide what’s next for her, but that doesn’t ease
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Day of Calm Retreat WHEN: Saturday, February 23TIME: 10 am to 3 pmHOW MUCH: $150WHERE: THE GATHERING: 665 Swarthmore Ave. Pacific Palisades INCLUDES: Morning and Afternoon Guided Meditation, Yoga, and Life Transitions Workshop. We will also provide a delicious and healthy lunch and snacks throughout the day. Meet Our Retreat Leaders: we are excited to bring you some of
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I have been through floods and fires and earthquakes and riots…
Natalie was interviewed for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article “Period of adjustment: ‘Empty-nesters’ look to tears — and travel” by Len Barcousky. Here’s an excerpt: Natalie Caine says tears — shed by both fathers and mothers — are not unusual during such transition times. Ms. Caine leads workshops and counsels couples and individuals as they face a
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Natalie was interviewed for the AARP article “How to Cope With an Empty Nest” by Sarah Elizabeth Adler. Here’s an excerpt: That said, if you’re distraught, you’re not alone. Natalie Caine, the founder of Empty Nest Support Services (which she started the year before her own daughter left for college), says that grieving is normal, whether
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You are no longer where you were and not sure what’s ahead for you. It is natural to collapse and stand tall over and over until you find your rhythm. Change happens. It is amazing we never had classes in school that prepared us for the unexpected. I know we are spread across the country and
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Posted in the Palisadian Post Aug 31, 2017
I drove to Santa Barbara to be with my friend who I have known for twenty-five years. We don’t get enough face-to-face time because she no longer lives in California, as I do. Isn’t it the best knowing you are going to be with someone who gets you, who carries your HISTORY, who could care
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Natalie Caine, M.A.